Holger Noltze

The Journalist, TV Presenter and Professor for Music and Media will host the evening.


Holger Noltze, born in 1960 in Essen is a journalist, moderator and professor of music journalism. From 1990 onwards, he has been working for the German radio broadcaster WDR-Hörfunk as well as the TV broadcaster WDR-Fernsehen. In 2005 he was appointed Professor for Music and Media/Music Journalism at the University of Dortmund.

He writes reviews and reports for numerous publications, including the Neue Zürcher Zeitung and Opernwelt. In 2016 he published the book „Dieses Verlangen nach Schönheit. Gespräche über Musik“ together with the renowned pianist Menahem Pressler. Mr. Noltze is als the co-founder of takt1, an online platform for classical music.